
AppsAfrica Awards seeking continent’s best mobile and tech entrepreneurs

The AppsAfrica Innovation Awards wants to recognise the best mobile and technology entrepreneurs on the continent who have launched solutions that stand out in the market it currently serves.

Entrepreneurs can submit their entries in one or more of the competition’s ten categories. You don’t have to be based in Africa to enter, but your solution must be actively implemented in at least one African country.

The awards are supported by Mobile Monday South Africa, Uber, iHub Kenya, CcHub Nigeria, Think Rwanda, MEST Ghana and Kenya and Women In Tech Africa.

The AppsAfrica Innovation Awards categories are:

  • Best disruptive innovation
    This award seeks to recognise the disruptive innovations and new business models that are changing Africa.
  • Best mobile innovation
    This award is open to all MNO’s, VAS providers, manufacturer’s, service providers, developers and entrepreneurs who have created innovative mobile services for African businesses or consumers.
  • Best non data mobile innovation (using SMS/USSD/ IVR)
    This award recognises mobile innovations that do not use mobile data and utilise either SMS, USSD, IVR or other non-data driven services.
  • Best African app
    This award recognises the best applications successfully launched on any platform to target African consumers or businesses.
  • Best fintech innovation
    This award recognises the best fintech innovation including digital currency, venture capital, mobile money, wallets, peer-to-peer, money remittances and transfers, point of sale or funding platforms.
  • Best health innovation
    This award recognises innovations which are improving the health of Africans using mobile or other technologies.
  • Best educational innovation
    This award recognises innovations which are striving to improve education by utilising mobile or other technologies.
  • Social impact award
    This award recognises an inspiring use of technology that has a positive social impact for an African community while contributing to economic and social development.
  • Best entertainment innovation
    This award seeks to recognise the best entertainment innovations. Examples include music, literary, gaming, children’s entertainment, lifestyle and video.
  • Women in tech award  
    This award seeks to recognise the women who are driving technology and innovation in Africa. This might include entrepreneurs, developers, executives, program managers or any women making a positive impact.

You can submit your application for any of the categories on the AppsAfrica website, the deadline for entries is the 10th September and the award ceremony will be held in Cape Town on the 16th November.

Entries will be judged by a panel of entrepreneurs in the African tech industry.

The grand prize for the awards is yet to be announced.

[Source and image –  AppsAfrica Innovation Awards]


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