
Type your way to victory with Sesame Street Fighter

Leave it to the internet to combine childhood favourite Sesame Street with videogame classic Street Fighter, and name the resulting hybrid of educational videogaming Sesame Street Fighter.

That’s exactly what’s happened over at FlavourMachine, where Cocoalasca has uploaded the game. Users can log in and play as a variety of muppets from Sesame Street, reimagined as 8-bit Street Fighter characters. There’s Cookie Monster starring as E. Honda, Gover as Dhalsim, Oscar as Blanka, Ernie as Ken, Bert as Ryu, and finally Elmo, who stars as the none-too-ticklish M. Bison.

The game mechanic isn’t the usual mash-buttons-to-win style for fighting games. Instead, words appear on screen and players have to type them in order to land hits on their opponents. If your opponent gets started, and hits you first, you’ll have to wait for a gap before you can start your counterattack.

Each of the characters has a different spelling level, which defines difficulty of the game. Cookie Monster’s speciality is animals; fast to type but not that damaging. Meanwhile, Bert and Ernie’s devastating hits are only delivered once you can master the swift spelling of Russian cities like Dzerzhinsk, Voronezh, or Ulyanovsk.

It’s far from as simple as typing to win, though. You have to get your timing right, and any mistake means that your progress gets reset and your hits count for nothing. A typing teacher for toddlers this is definitely not.




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