
Clicking this link could crash your iPhone

If you’re the owner of an iPhone or a Mac, consider this a public service announcement. There’s a link to a nasty website that’s doing the rounds that can cause your devices to crash if you click on it.

The link in question is (and no, we’re not going to link to it for obvious reasons). If someone you know (or don’t know) sends you this link, don’t click on it as it will force your iPhone into a hard reboot within twenty seconds.

According to The Guardian, clicking on the link  will overload the default browser on any smart device with a self-generating text string. Essentially the text fills up the browser’s address bar faster than the device can process it, which causes it heat up and then crash.

As you’d imagine, iPad’s are also affected and don’t think you’re safe if you own an Android device, although in the case of the latter, the link simply slows Chrome down significantly.

If you own a Mac or a PC, the link can still cause trouble. Safari on a Mac will crash, while Chrome on either a Mac or a desktop will slow to a crawl, depending on how much processing power the machine in question boasts.

There is a silver lining to this rather dark cloud: the link doesn’t seem to cause any permanent damage. Rebooting your device should sort out the problem, so this appears to be a prank rather than a malicious hack.

That having been said, it’s a pain in the backside, so until Apple or Google announce that they’ve developed a patch for it, it’s worth keeping an eye out for the above link as well as any shortened URLs sent to you from unknown email addresses. Consider yourselves warned. Happy Tuesday!



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