LEGO Motorised Magic Folding Cube

This huge motorised magic folding cube is made out of LEGO

Fidget toys are the in thing right now, and there’s a variety of them outside of the spinners, including those made out of LEGO.

YouTube channel slfroden has been showing people how to make a variant of the old magic folding cube toy for a while now, and it’s been steadily creating larger and larger ones as time went on.

Now they’ve not only created their biggest one yet (30 LEGO studs cubed, or around 24cm³ ) but they’ve motorised it too.

Everything you just saw was clever geometry and official LEGO pieces. The movement comes thanks to eight motors, two infrared receivers, a battery box and 15 feet / 4.6 metres of wire, all from LEGO’s Power Functions line.

If you want to duplicate this build just keep in mind that the Power Functions parts are very expensive, and you’ll still need to foot the bill for the rest of non-motorised parts. There’s also no instructions provided, so you’d have to reverse engineer what you can see in the video below.

We rather suggest trying out the smallest version of the cube which comes with instructions and uses only a handful of pieces, and then moving up from there. It’s fun at every scale.


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