
William Osman tests out stupid “life hacks” so you don’t have to

If you’ve ever seen a “life hack” video you’ll know that most projects break out the trusty hot glue gun to stick stuff together. But what happens if you don’t have one?

Well, you just life hack one together. Only don’t do that, because you may start a fire and / or electrocute yourself.

Our resident test engineer to try that today is William Osman. If you’re not familiar with that name, he operates a maker YouTube channel with a focus on being a bit silly and cobbling things together until they work, in an entertaining way.

After coming across a dodgy video that claimed you could easily make a hot glue gun, Osman sets out to test how bad it can be. Because really, directly wiring a plug onto some bare metal in the hopes of melting glue can only go one way.

If this is your first introduction to this channel, we highly recommend his “Laser Cut Vin Diesel Ham and Cheese Sandwich” video. If that title doesn’t sway you, you either have no concept of fun, or you are actually an unamused Vin Diesel.

Also check out our interview with Osman himself to learn how he and his channel tick.


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