
Here’s the final trailer for Black Widow

Black Widow is the latest movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and we’ve got a final trailer to watch before it launches later this year.

While this is Natasha Romanoff’s movie we spend a lot of time with Taskmaster here, including what looks to be the most detailed look at the character’s helmet (see the header image above).

We spot what looks to be a camera lens right in the middle of the face piece. This would make sense as Taskmaster’s principle skill is usually the ability to watch other characters and then perfectly mimic (and counter) their moves. We even see Taskmaster watching Black Widow fight in what looks to be CCTV footage from her appearance in Iron Man 2.

Staying with Taskmaster here the character looks to have picked up fighting styles and weapon types from other Avengers. We’ve already seen some shield stuff similar to Captain America, and in this trailer we see claws that look a lot like the ones Black Panther uses.

Finally for Taskmaster we hear a character specifically refer to them as “he”. This is worth bringing up because a popular fan theory right now is that he / they are actually a member of the all-female Red Room which creates the Black Widows. Many are speculating that Rachel Weisz’s character will be revealed to be Taskmaster at some point in the movie. The use of the world “he” here may just be a diversion for us the audience, or point to the fact that even the characters in the movie are unaware.

The rest of the trailer looks to be standard MCU action flare with not much of notice aside from what we’ve mentioned. That’s not to say it’s not exciting, it’s just a bit predictable. There’s also no sign of Iron Man himself Tony Stark, who is rumoured to cameo in this movie which takes place before Endgame.

Black Widow comes out 1st May, barring any delays which recently hit the latest James Bond movie and may affect other blockbusters like this.

It’s worth ending off by saying that we may see more of this movie before it is released. While this is the last trailer, we may get shorter TV spots which come out in droves closer to a Marvel movie’s release.


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