
Would humanity survive Season of the Splicer’s endless night?

The next season in Destiny 2 starts on 11th May and Bungie has already given players a taste of what they can expect.

Season of the Splicer sees the return of fan favourite Mithrax, Kell of the House of Light and an endless night.

“The Vex have plunged the Last City into an endless night, threatening the safety once found beneath the watchful presence of the Traveler. It is here, bathed in perpetual moonlight, that Ikora reveals the identity of an unlikely ally that may hold the keys to triumphing over this attack,” reads a blurb on the Bungie website.

This is an interesting jumping off point for a story mainly because, well, where has the Sun gone?

Long time players will know that in a Vex simulation of the future on Mercury, the Sun has been extinguished. It’s unclear if this is what has happened in Season of the Splicer or if it really is simply a simulation.

However, given that the last remnants of humanity are located in the last city we have to wonder how long the people would last without the Sun’s warmth?

The Sun not rising isn’t as strange as it might seem. In Tromsø, Norway, the Polar Night lasts from November to January where the Sun doesn’t rise at all.

Season of the Splicer is set to last four months so the people of the Last City would likely survive despite the cold temperatures they might have to endure.

But what if the Vex actually killed the Sun?

Without the Sun the temperature on Earth would drop to -273 degrees Celsius or 0.15 Kelvin. Worse still, rain, wind and light would cease to exist and humanity wouldn’t have much of a chance unless it retreated deep underground.

“A relatively simple calculation would show that the Earth’s surface temperature would drop by a factor of two about every two months if the Sun were shut off. The current mean temperature of the Earth’s surface is about 300 Kelvin (K). This means in two months the temperature would drop to 150K, and 75K in four months. To compare, the freezing point of water is 273K. So basically it’d get too cold for us humans within just a few weeks,” writes astronomer Marko Krco.

So then, if the Vex did indeed kill off the Sun in the fictitious universe of Destiny 2, humanity would be doomed.

Thankfully we have a team of Guardians to stop that then right?

Season of the Splicer introduces a new six player, matchmade activity called Override as well as a weekly Pinnacle mission in Expunge. The season also introduces new Exotics, new weapons and gear to chase as well as the Vault of Glass raid.

There’s even a Stasis sidearm available as part of the Season Pass which should cause rage in the Crucible.

You can read more about Season of the Splicer ahead of its launch next week here.


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